Yoga helped me get grounded, create boundaries, and see myself as a beautiful and powerful person. I learned to live consciously in the moment, love fully and unconditionally, and I learned how to create a strong empowering community around me. I’ve also healed from past traumas, mental and physical; this is why I teach yoga. We all deserve to be the best versions of ourselves.
I create safe and supportive environments full of love. Everything I offer is grounded in listening. In listening to my students/clients, my body, and my intuitive inner voice, while always taking time to find the infinite wisdom found in nature. I specialize in trauma and offer therapy sessions for children, teens, individuals, couples, and groups. I teach pre and postnatal yoga, trauma sensitive vinyasa yoga, yoga to heal from injury, yoga to support illness, thai yoga massage, and I host sound healing sessions called gong bath. I love working with beginners, athletes, and those who think yoga isn’t for them, you know, the “I can’t touch my toes people.”
Join the joyous revolution, tap into your own inner strength, and join me in a session soon!